Dear Knickers in a Twist,
Oh look!! Another homosexual thread, first off, I care not a jot what the religion of Churchianity tells me, I care what Christ tells me ( that is the four Gospels, the rest is add on ).
Now I would care what the Church was saying if they were going to debate Homophobia, if they were going to ask, how can we as Christians stop the bullying, rape, torture and killing of Gods children, how can we change that mindset.
Now if you are truly a believer, if you believe in God ( no matter which name you choose ) do you honestly think in the great scheme of things he cares what two grown adults get up to behind closed doors, or do you think Our Lord weeps at world poverty, greed, war, and the seemingly ( for me ) culture of me me me.
My opinion ( not that any other Christian cares ) invite all into your Church, with no buts or pointing of fingers, strike any reference that leads to hatred from your Holy book, the God I worship wants his children to love one another, that's it, end of.