Fringe idiot MP Chris Leslie ,labour, talked earlier today about how Corbyn missed the open goal and failed at this election.
Did the BBC locate him because he is obviously Odd or because of their general anti Corbin position.
While I am not sure it could have been won, I agree with jeremyp's post. In the euphoria people have forgotten it's a loss. I wrote the below for elsewhere on my virtual timeline but it covers a lot of this ground
'Despite many smiles, waves and the occasional copping of a feel from Labour yesterday, they lost. They didn't lose as badly as was thought likely, they have even done well enough to stop a majority but it is still a loss. The 'we are ready to present a queen's speech' while the sort of thing that you have to say, and a nice little tweak of the wheat field vandal.
Now, I know how it feels, the temptation to point out that you nearly made the Tories Rudd-erless, that you won Canterbury which hadn't been Labour since Thomas A Becket, that Jeremy Corbyn owns Roman Abramovich. These ephemeral victories are what stones you up when you have to campaign for the council elections a year hence and it's pishing. They are the left over glow of the Ready Brek of hope. They are what allows you to think One More Push is all that is needed.
BUT that one more push is five years down the track and for millions that is too long. The oddities of our electoral system have produced what appears to be a deal between a robot and a group of people whom think The Flintstones was a documentary. Now while I bow to no one in my distaste for the ideas of the DUP, 10 eejits are not going to look out of place amongst the more traditional areas of the Tories backwoods. They also will have little impact if any on mainland social policy. The problem is that I cannot see how the brokering of the rocky settlement in NI can be done by a govt that is propped up by one side.
But let us leave, the problems of NI for later, what does the Labour Party do now. It must forget the vision when the exit poll first appeared that for those with a basic grasp of mental arithmetic figures Labour, SNP, Lib Dem were showing in total as same number as the Tories and then the realisation was that not displayed on the first rank of parties were Plaid and for the cherry on top, St Caroline of Green. The progressive thingumybob lived!
Well not really, the DUP were always there, as were Sinn Fein mumbling that they weren't coming because the Queen smells of the poo and of the wee. And then the exit poll was very slightly off, though so little there to deserves to be a John Curtice memorial dance. Now it is true there is a possibility of another election on these numbers, but please Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! We have wasted 6 weeks and a couple of hundred million in this one. If there is one next time,it won't be better.
So a suggestion that is not going to down well with anyone with party politics at their core, from someone who has been through them with the abandon of Goldilocks but never found one that was just right. Brexit will happen, what matters is how. Offer to not vote out the Tories but to oppose their policies generally and if they can't get them through to work with them on alternatives but on the basis of the negotiations for Brexit being cross all parties to get the best deal for the UK., and no deal with the DUP. This is the biggest thing we have done since the Second World War, show leadership and the ability to negotiate and drive forward, and aim for 1945 in 2022.'