Dear Forum,
On the question of Mr Farron ( I kind of agree with the good Prof, bit of a light weight ) I applaud and denounce his stance on his faith, it ain't easy being a Christian, but if he is in conflict about his faith then the best thing is to do is go away, study Scripture and ask the Father, what is my best course.
If he is troubled by the homosexual question then he should read Scripture and and find the answer ( I did ) half the world is starving whilst the other half are fighting obesity, we are polluting Gods seas at a alarming rate ( okay he gave us the seas ) we are travelling down a road which will lead to this thing called Armageddon, but it won't be boiling seas it will be dead seas.
So I would say to Mr Farron, The Lord gave us this World to manage and pass on and what have we done, Mr Farron, stop focusing on the minuscule and focus on the bigger picture.