The more I read the Bible the less credible I find it. The authors portray their version of a god as a very nasty character, my god is bigger than your god. The things attributed to it apart from having no credibility, have no evidence to support them. Very few people living at the time of Jesus believed him to be the promised Messiah. The Jews are still looking out for it.
I don't subscribe to your point of view. In fact, I see absolutely nothing to support your point of view giving that there has not been another god for anyone to say " My God is bigger than your god."
The prominent theme has always been that no matter the amount of good that God did for mankind they always threw it back in his face by returning to evil ways and idolatry.
Your god, is yourself. You really have not been able to see a bigger picture or any fault with humans or their nature.
You believe you and your thoughts are the only correct thoughts. Truth is you do not recognise your own bias and the 'me' syndrome. What is it about yourself you deem perfect?
I cannot fathom why you think you have it right when clearly the bible teaches us something far more than your boxed opinion.
Did you ever think about being wrong?