I am not interested in reading a link about humoring Muslims. Especially in the light of the fact ISIS is calling on their followers to attack us during Ramadhan. I think it is better for everyone if we tell Muslims what we really think. If Islam is the fastest growing religion we are all in big trouble, because the God the Quran describes is a terrible monster, and anyone who would worship such a God is at least insensitive, and at worst barbaric.
I have spent the last ten years since after 9/11 pointing out flaws in the Quran in the hope of stopping some gullible people converting to Islam. The latest attack in Manchester only shows that we need to undermine Islamic extremism at all costs and we can only do that by undermining Islam itself.
It has been completely obvious to me the Quran is not God's words since I first read it after the 9/11 attack. I have now read it three times and every time I saw more things wrong with it.
I started out hoping to convert Muslims to Christianity, but discovered that has been tried since the crusades without success.
So now I just try to show the flaws in the Quran prove it is not from God, and Muslims can think what they like.