America seems to have a better control over the situation and much more serious about tackling the issue.
In what way? They have had as many if not more episodes of terrorism, and certainly more deaths as a consequence.
I know the orange windbag is to be heard making strange noises that are sometimes confused with English but can you point to any specific thing that they are doing that ensures their safety and shows that they are "tackling the situation" because as far as I can see they have exactly the same issue with homegrown terrorism that we have and react in a more hysterical fashion than we do.
My two favourite things from the dreadful weekend was one guy running down the road still clutching his pint of beer - they might be trying to kill us but I've paid for this and I'm having it - and the other was a guy who said he was going to go out and flirt with more handsome men and drink G & T's and talk with women. No Sririam you are reading this all wrong. Given that we have to make some kind of response this is about the best we can - and for some reason that I find difficult to articulate, I feel very proud of the reaction I've seen.
The politicians are a different matter, but the people have been magnificent.