It's horrific Rhiannon!
This bit got to me -
'He speaks of a culture of inertia, obfuscation, denial and cover-up. “I raised core, critical issues with a very significant senior slice of the church down through the decades. I told an astonishing number of people.”
Even when, finally, he formally reported the abuse, he felt “blanked”. “It’s a very effective device for shutting down an issue. And you leave the issue, the burden, on the survivor’s shoulders – who feels cowed, intimidated by the weight of silence.” '
Moore was so very eminent - & then Fisher!
That poor lad didn't stand a chance.
There are many more whose stories won't ever come to light because there isn't enough detailed evidence.
So glad society has moved on and no-one is above being checked out in advance & investigated if there are complaints.
(A big problem now is secret organisations difficult to penetrate, of people who groom on internet & engineer meets.)