Hi Sriram, if a dominant mother can 'castrate' her son then who knows if the sperm count of said son can also be affected.
Hi SweetPea,
I don't know about the cases you mention. Maybe it can happen.
I was referring to psychological and social factors that affect our lifestyle. These could change our mental make up and could lead to many psychosomatic issues and even changes in our gene expression through epigenetic mechanisms. I have already mentioned in another thread about 43% of young people in Japan being virgins due to inability to interact with the opposite sex. Life style and social issues can change our personality itself.
When I referred to 'dominance', I was not referring to 'aggression' as some people here seem to have assumed. Most men in the world have hitherto been dominant without necessarily being aggressive.
Dominance is linked to the ego. The Ego is linked to libido, testosterone and even sperm production. A consistent pressure on the male ego, forcing it to submission, could result in a drop in libido and even sperm production.
If no research has been done on this, it needs to be done.