I'm afraid as many non believers are seeking to convert as believers around here IMHO.
If there is a mystery here it is that you believe in the gods, believe in P but do not believe they exist in any sense. How do you square that? Just using the word faith doesn't cover it. Since the antitheists around here have faith they are justified and there is at the end of the day no God and there is a naturalistic universe and I have faith that there is a God of a supernaturalistic nature. having faith insomething you don't think is justiable ever in the natural or supernatural domains is a strange formulation of faith indeed.
In other words your are trying to have your cake and eat it and attempting to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
As I said I am not as clever as you which, when appllied to such comments as those you make above, makes me really bloody stupid.
I am willing and able to state categorically that there is not one jot or tittle of proof that the Gods and Goddesses that I worship exist.
I have FAITH that they do!
I do NOT demand that non-believers give up their non-belief and believe (have faith) as I do.
I do NOT threaten people with a eternity of damnation awaits all those who refuse to give up their non-belief in MY deities.
I do NOT claim that my deities, male and female, created all that exists is seven, sorry, six-days.
I do NOT claim that my deities created "All things bright and beautiful" and carefully turn a blind eye to the creation, at the same time, of things like childhood cancer.
I do NOT condemn men who love other men and women who love other women because a two-thousand year old book says I must.
I do not worship deities who COMMAND that their followers "shall not kill" and at the same time COMMAND that they "not suffer a witch to live".
The above might well be some of the reasons why I am Pagan and not Christian.
I might not be clever but I am not a hypocrite.