OK - my only contribution to this thread -
There is no such thing as Black Magic.
Magic is - as any REAL witch will tell you - If you cannot curse you cannot cure.
The spell for a cure and the spell for a curse are exactly the same spell it is only in its intent that it differs.
Witchcraft has nothing to do with Satan/The Devil unless, of course, you are a pig ignorant Christian who is, as far as witches are concerned, are still living in the 14th to 17th centuries and they spit their bile and ignorance at any who disagree.
This group are American and they still mix up withcraft with devil worship and the Craft on their side of the Oggin bears no resemblance to that in the UK and Europe.
American witches who have attended gatherings in the U K have usually got very short shrift and cleared off PDQ.
Burt's teapot suggestion would also apply to your assertions on this subject Owl.
I think, as far as it's possible to know for certain, I live quite a normal life and in the process at times it appears to me, there are a lot of us, humans, around that hold some very funny, funny peculiar ideas, I just hope and would like to think my thoughts and ideas are not on a slant towards that peculiar, as I see it, line of thought.
Black, white or pink witches, come on!