How does any belief exist without a “brain processing the inputs and interpreting those inputs” and, if it can’t, where then would that leave beliefs about the supposed inerrant, certain, categoric words of gods?
You'll have to ask the theists who think they are certain about what any supposed God's words mean. As I said before all the theists I know state they are expressing an opinion, and Allah knows best.
So far as I know Harvey Weinstein doesn’t claim to have acted as he did because of the instructions of a god. And in any case, how are they “problems” except in the sense of, “produce outcomes I Gabriella find to be unwelcome”? If any one cleric’s faith belief is only differentiated from another’s according to what you think of the real world effect they have, that’s all about your preferences and nothing about what a god may have decided on the matter.
Whether he claims to have acted on the instructions of norms of the industry, his upbringing or a disease of sex addiction, I still don't hold the whole concept of masculinity responsible for the behaviour of individual men. In the same way I don't hold religion responsible for the behaviour of individual theists.
I haven't figured out a way to establish what a god may have decided, so I think we can only hold opinions. Guess we will both have to wait until someone who thinks they know what any supposed God wants answers our question about how they established what said God wants.
That’s a non sequitur. If you want to assert there to be revealed instruction how would you also claim to know what they are if everything’s up for interpretation? And re-interpretation? And then some more re-interpretation after that?
What kind of god would on other words it be who thought, “OK, I’m going to share what my inerrant rules are in some holy books, only I’m not going to give my special creation the means ever to know for sure what they are. Mwa ha haaaar” etc?
It’s not my theory at all. If someone wants to claim that the inerrant instructions of a god are accurately written in a book, it’s for him I’d have thought to explain how he’s ever know what the correct interpretation of them is. I’d have thought the obvious fudge would be to argue that some things are so plain that no amount of interpretation would change that, but as it’s not my problem it’s not an argument I’d have to attempt.
I don't know what the Christian theory is but my understanding of Islam is that we have a message in the Quran, and the test on which we are judged is how we interpret the message, what our intentions are based on our interpretations, and how we actually behave - in other words we could have good or bad intentions but our actual acts may be different from our intentions as something could happen to prevent us doing what we intended.