Not what I heard. Apparently IDers argue there ideas only need an Intelligence....which is what simulated universe theory is.
If that's where they stopped it'd be fine, but they go on to make claims about that Intelligence being uncaused, as I recall. To be fair, that's from the iteration that was prevalent around eight to ten year ago, there might be a more up-to-date version around now.
Once you admit to an intelligent designer anywhere in the chain you cannot preclude intervention in the programme.
No you can't, but you get into questions about the nature of the designer; that's, of course, accepting that the simulated universe hypothesis is just an hypothesis.
There is a case, a heavy case, to call simulated universe theory Scientific Theism.
No there isn't, there's no claim being made about the nature of the simulator or its potential maker.
Your Lord and Master PZ Myers recognised this when he criticised De Grasse Tyson over his simulated universe ideas.
You keep forgetting that atheism ('New' or otherwise) and science doesn't operate along the hierarchic structures of religious enterprises: no-one is infallible, we don't have 'lords and masters'...