ID isn't unacceptable or wring because it proposes a designer but because it is bad science. As already covered Keith Miller believes in a created universe but thinks ID is drivel.
If you think that people are treating simulated universe differently then you ate arguing against your idea that the idea of a designer is anathema to those people.
I don't follow.
I think you should reread the exchange between myself and Outrider who IMHO represents somebody who finds the idea of an intelligent designer an acceptable hypothesis but cannot accept it being God even after you point out that God has the same abilities.
So simulated universe has an intelligent designer separate from its creation but responsible for it's maintenance, which can intervene and suspend the laws of the universe and that is an acceptable hypothesis.
God is proposed as an intelligent designer separate from its creation but responsible for it's maintenance, which can intervene and suspend the laws of the universe and that is an unacceptable hypothesis.
Also I think you'll agree both designers or should we say the designer because they are the same thing would be quite capable of ID.
The main point about ID is after all Intelligent design which is proposed by both ID and Simulated universe.
Why ID was discarded was on the lack of evidence and over a questionable claim of irreducible complexity and the court found it was more appropriately placed as religion. The case seemingly as you say had nothing to say about intelligent designers which must remain the main thrust of ID.
Simulated universe cannot avoid proposing an intelligent designer. It looks like it will take time for it to sink in that that opens the door to irreducible complexity and you can bet your bottom the IDers will be back in court.
To me though the real conflict is merely over the thought of God hence the mental contortion of Simulator of universes-acceptable hypothesis. God-unacceptable hypothesis.
Where PZ Myers and I agree is that NG Tyson has reintroduced God into the mix.