I heard George Brown had an alcohol problem. Off topic, but when I was in labour with our eldest girl on the night of the general election in 1970, my husband was in the relatives room awaiting developments and watching the TV. A member of staff asked him if he had any message for his wife, "Tell her George Brown is out at Belper", was his reply!
George Brown's drunkenness is a known fact but the classic likely apocryphal story is as follows:
"Attending a glittering official reception at the Palace of the Dawn on an official visit to Brazil, with all the military officers in full-dress uniform and the ambassadors in court dress, he is said to have made a bee-line for a gorgeously crimson-clad figure.
A colleague later recalled: ‘George said: “Excuse me, but may I have the pleasure of this dance?” There was a terrible silence for a moment before the guest, who knew who he was, replied: “There are three reasons, Mr Brown, why I will not dance with you.
'“The first, I fear, is that you’ve had too much to drink. The second is that this is not, as you suppose, a waltz that the orchestra is playing but the Peruvian national anthem, for which you should be standing to attention. And the third reason why we may not dance, Mr Brown, is that I am the Cardinal Archbishop of Lima.”’
Thing is, I've heard that story from different sources for nearly forty years, and it was never really censorious. It was looked on as almost an eccentricity and I suspect the sexual assaults of women, if he carried them out, were just seen as part of that. Something to be managed not stopped.