I was alone with my dad watching him die . I didn't see anything leave his body when he did . Or does that only happen in certain circumstances?
Yes....even I was sitting next to my father and FIL as they passed away....and I did not see anything leaving the body. If we could actually see the soul/spirit we wouldn't be discussing it in this manner would we?!
We cannot see or hear or feel the spirit/soul and that's the whole point. It is said that, under some special circumstances, especially if the person who died is fairly young, the soul can be felt or even seen. These are unknown phenomena...so going into intricate details is not meaningful.
In the first video the guys on the scene obviously did not 'see' anything. But one of them seems to have felt something as he extended his hand through the soul ....or so it seemed to me.
Also FYI, black souls mean not very evolved souls (more selfish) while white soul means more developed and loving.
Maybe the videos are fake...but since I believe in souls/spirits and life after death...I have no reason to assume so. Souls are normal!