The subject of the monarchy came up on another thread. Floo posted one of her trenchantly intellectual comments defending it, while others like me, thought that it should be scrapped. I have no grudge against the individual members of the royal family, though they are a pretty mediocre lot judged as ordinary individuals, but surely a hereditary head of state is an anomaly in a democracy in the present age. Heads of state and government should be directly elected, either as such or at least as an MP (as our prime minsters are). If anyone wants to defend the monarchy, please go ahead, as that's what this thread is for, but please don't come out with the tired old second-hand joke that the best argument against republicanism is two words - "President Thatcher" (or Blair, depending on your politics. Thatcher and Blair, whatever their faults, were elected, and were evwentually got rid of. Anyway, the Prime Minister, as head of government, has the real power in this country, the Queen being a mere figurehead.