Oh ffs. I made it clear in a post that everyone has ignored that I think the concept of ‘fact based parenting’ is a good one. Nobody is objecting to that. Parenting is shared though. And delivering the message as ‘smart women’ talking to ‘moms’ who just don’t get it because they are so caught up in the celebrity culture, bless them, is patronising bullshit.
Make it parenting for both genders, with dads included - or do you think they are already ‘educated’ but that they allow their goopshitting partners to prevent their kids getting MMR anyway? Make it inclusive - not just for those that ‘don’t get it’ but those that already get the science and don’t need ‘educating’, but who just want a resource. And make it dynamic. If this was made when my kids were small ‘fact based parenting’ said don’t give your kids nuts - especially peanuts - or you risk allergies. Now the science- based advice is to give nut products early in order to prevent allergies. Science isn’t fixed and nor should a resource like this be.
As an aside, we have two women here saying this makes us feel a certain way, as women, and a bunch of men dismissing our feelings, distorting what we are saying and telling us how we should feel about it. Wonder what that reminds me of?