Ephesians are attributed to Paul.
As is 1Timothy, which Shaker quoted and contains some of the worst misogynistic sentiments in the NT. As Jeremy has pointed out, the authorship of a lot of these is to say the least highly suspect. In fact, no scholars except died in the wool fundamentalists think the Pastoral Epistles (inc 1Timothy) were written by Paul (though you seem to have a stubborn desire to claim them for Paul yourself - gawd knows why). The reasons why they are considered spurious are several, but one very obvious one is that they deal with developments in the Church which we know weren't established until many decades after Paul was preaching.
Both I and Jeremy have mentioned the last chapter of Romans - now ask yourself this: would an out-and-out misogynist send a woman to a distant congregation of the Church, entrusting her to hand on his teaching? (Phoebe) And ask for her to be received 'as befits one of the saints', forsooth?
Not to mention Junia....