Funny that people think living next door to a vegetarian is a problem! Wonder why? For a vegetarian, living next door to a non-vegetarian could however be a problem because of the smells and the bones and stuff in the garbage bin.
How come Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Chinese and Russians were not included in the list, I wonder.
I suspect vegetarian is included in the list precisely because most children would be sympathetic to, or think neutrally of living next door to a vegetarian. And again you can see the point that they are trying to make which is why object to living next door to someone simply because they are different.
And that's why the options are not exhaustivd, it's a teaching lesson, even if what seems to be one that needs refinement, rather than a survey. To expand, the guitarist in a band isibviously meant to make some people think that it would've noisy and that there might be use of party pharmaceuticals but that's just following another stereotype.