What on earth have I said that is unkind?
I have the greatest respect for the people we are talking about, admire them even and like the fact that there are people like them living here. I don't know what I've done or said that's wrong, only gave facts.
Gosh you are cross again and this time with me.
It is possible to talk about a people different to our own, finding things interesting, without any animosity or patronage you know.
Wish I hadn't said anything now.
Quote from 05.12.2016 18:26
Either schools like the Gan Menachim Nursery School are closed and forced to be in line with other schools in this country or left alone. My view is that a teacher's private life is private but in that particularly Orthodox Jewish society, conformity is considered to be essential.
None of the schools run by the Hassidic, Haredi and similar others have much in common with non-faith schools - kids leave school barely able to write a proper sentence in English - but people outside the groups have accepted that for years & left them alone because the communities are quite well respected, self regulating and cause no trouble. So they can't complain if a school makes a decision about a teacher that wouldn't be tolerated elsewhere.
Either such strict faith schools are abolished (some have been closed on grounds of miserably failing ofsted and Health &Safety but they spring up again illegally), or we put up with them.The teacher has received a good pay out and if she is a qualified nursery teacher she'll soon find another job. I wonder why she chose to apply to work at that school in the first place.
End quote
You don't consider the highlighted passages unkind?
I'm not cross, believe me you would know it if I were.
I just cannot understand your vehemence against faith schools where the students are not in physical or moral danger.
They are not, to my knowledge, beaten or sexually assaulted, they are not taught to hate and that any who are not Orthodox must be killed.
I do agree with you that faith schools, ALL faith schools, Christian (of all stripes, Catholic, Protestant etc), Jewish, Muslim etc should be closed down and that ALL children should be taught that ALL religions are faith not fact.
My own chldren have made their own choices, my ex is born-gain Christian, I am Pagan, my son is, in all probability, one of the most complete atheists on the planet and both my daughters are Pagan, to the horror of my ex and without any pressure from me having rejected their mother's Christianity after the divorce and I had left the family home.
You will find that, on more than one occasion, I have stated my view of 'faith not fact' in arguments with the most dyed-in-the-wool Christians here, Sassy, Hope (now departed), Vlad etc on the ground that I cannot and have never tried to claim any proof of the existence of my deities.
No, I am not cross, I do
get cross when people who know S F A about Paganism and/or the Craft start to take the p**s.
No, I'm not cross, the only other thing that
gets me cross are Holocaust deniers and that is because the vast mnajority of my forebears on my mother's side died in Auschwitz. Yes, I was boirn Jewish.
No, Robbie, I am not cross at or with you.
Bright Blessings