Why on Earth does there need to be a balance? How can there possibly be too much rationality and logic. It's like saying "we can't have too much comfortable living, we need to balance it out with some grinding poverty".
1st question: I didn't say there needs to be a balance, I said
I love to see the rational and logical kept in balance with the irrational 'like love, beauty, joy'. What others love is up to them. If they prefer the life of an android that's up to them. 2nd question: I didn't say that there could be too much rationality and logic just as I did not say there could be too much love, beauty and joy and it's nothing like saying "we can't have too much comfortable living, we need to balance it out with some grinding poverty". Comfortable living and grinding poverty are more associated with physical existence whereas balancing the rational and irrational are more associated with the mind and it is not a case of swinging from one extreme to another as your analogy suggests but harmonising both. In terms of the physical, you could say achieving a harmony between the left hemisphere and right hemisphere of the brain and seeing the value of both.