The smoking ban went too far. Even outdoor shelters have to be partly open, so that either the smokers freeze to death in winter, or if they are heated, half the heat escapes, which is environmentally disastrous. It should be legal to have them fully enclosed, and if a pub (or other public building) can provide a room which does not connect with a food preparation or eating area and is behind a normally-closed door, separate from the main public area, smoking should be allowed inside the building.
Furthermore, the revolting photos on tobacco products are both unpleasant and unnecessary. A clear, unambiguous warning in large letters, as before, is all that is necessary. Smoking should be absolutely banned to under-18s, but adults - i.e. people over that age - should be given the health information they need, then left to make their own decision. Everyone now knows the dangers of smoking (although pipes and cigars are both much less dangerous and much less addictive than cigs, because they are not inhaled: it is most unfair that pipe-tobacco and cigars labour under all the same restrictions as cigs, which are the real killers).