I also consider I have been to the 'abyss' of the old atheists and found it to be God shaped.
Meaning, what exactly - is this a literal shape? Objective or subjective?
Vlad, every aspect of your argument has been comprehensively demolished.
You started off trying to claim that rejecting a proposition because it had no evidence or sound reasoning to back it up, while recognizing it was unfalsifiable, was somehow both accepting and rejecting it.
This is totally undermined by the fact that 100% certainty is not available outside of logic and mathematics. All anybody can do is assess the evidence and reasoning.
You then moved on to saying how dismissing and not investigating god was a 'high stakes punt'.
This is undermined by the fact that there isn't a single notion of god, a methodology to use to investigate, that other unfalsifiable ideas would actually make your belief just as risky, and that it's a basically daft idea anyway because of the previous arguments.
Finally, I pointed out that a trustworthy god would provide a clear, unmistakable message, if it was important to us - so the sort of god you are proposing and the associated risk you were trying to present, are further undermined.
Then you wanted to debate what the idea of trustworthy means.
Now we're into the shape of an abyss.
Talk about desperate straw clutching...