That wasn't an insult, it was describing my impression of what has happened recently when Davey was replying to my posts.
So you think this:
You seem to be having real trouble reading posts at the moment (other than the ones cheering you on from your fan club). Your brain seems to read the words and then interpret them to mean something completely different from what was written, based on your preconceptions. You should correct that - must be a real handicap in academia.”
Isn’t using insult in place of argument?
We clearly have different understandings of the term, “insult” then. From a fairly crowded field, my experience is that the
ad hom is the favourite of your various fallacies.
But leaving aside your irrelevant comments…
Pointing out your use of the
ad hom in place of argument isn’t irrelevant.
- though given the insults you use in place of argument (muppets ring a bell?)
You’re confusing responding to an argument by insulting the person making it (you) with describing a character type (me).
… it must be nice for you to feel you are talking to a kindred spirit even if you do come across as a complete hypocrite in the process –
Only to you Gabriella, only to you…
…we were talking about religious privilege in the UK and I was talking about my experience of religion and Father Christmas in the UK. I am not commenting on the experiences of children in the US as I have no experience of that.
First, Susan said, “
Of course a child feels more secure when brought up in a caring family environment along with its traditions, but if that child – as children do – trusts that what those adults are teaching him is true and then finds out later that information they have vbeen given as factual turns out to have no objective evidence because it needed 100% faithwhen they look for it, that trustt will crumble into dust.
If, on the other hand the adults around a child always say this is what we believe to be true then there would, later on, be understanding.”
She made no reference to meaning by that only children with British passports.
Second, trauma caused by losing parents’ religion isn’t country specific. Presumably its incidence and severity increases with the level of religiosity of the society involved, but it’s a generalised phenomenon.
Third, having had your Father Christmas analogy falsified why (once again) have you veered away into more irrelevance rather than deal with it? Consider NS just now very decently acknowledging that he mis-spoke when he referred to Dunning-Kruger. Would it really kill you to show similar decency in future?