Are you saying that this stratification of oppression does not obtain in the UK?
Why is it then that I can be abused by a person of colour for being white because I yelled to him to warn him because he was walking into the road from behind a bus looking the wrong way and so into the path of an approaching car? But any reference to the fact that he is a person of colour would draw instant approbrium upon the speaker!
There is a hierarchy of abuse and the only (apparent) legitimate target is the white population and don't tell me it isn't as I see it virtually every day.
Interesting. Not somethng I've experienced.
Surely if you warn someone that he was about to be run over you wouldn't call out, "Oy black man!". The only time one would be called upon to mention race is if they were asked to describe someone, eg by the police.
I don't doubt there is racism towards all races but the main thrust of this thread is not about 'race', (something no-one cares about in my area, at least not nowadays), but minorities in general, such as LGBTG - I heard recently that someone is objecting to Manhatten being called, "Manhatten' because it has 'man' at the start of it, not gender neutral.
'Manchester'may be next!
(Goodness knows what anyone would do with 'Middlesex', though that is all now Greater London).