Three near-death experiences on bikes: firstly, I was cycling fast downhill, and managed to get my wheels stuck alongside the kerb. I was unable to steer, and would have fallen off under the wheels of a passing vehicle - it was a busy road - had a ramp in the kerb not saved me by allowing me to regain control. Secondly, I was overtaken, much too close, by a big artic whose driver can't have noticed me. I'd've been under his wheels had another ramp in the kerb not allowed me to get up on the pavement out of his way. I shook my fist at him, and called him a ****ing stupid ******. Thirdly, in March 2014 I was stationary in a filter lane in the middle of a busy A road near Northampton, waiting to turn right, when I was hit from behind by a motorcyclist. I broke my right heelbone and left collarbone in two places, and spent nine weeks in hospital. I'm still in the process of getting compensation.