The thread I was referring to was 'Questions on pagan beliefs - from topic from historical Jesus thread', on Pagan topic.
Sorry you were disappointed with the lack of interest Owlswing. I was interested in what you had to say & also what Rhiannon said on the thread which was very descriptive. There are many threads that don't have a lot of response though, doesn't mean people don't read them.
This is probably going to be about 12,000 miles off topic (but it won't be the first time)!
When you post a thread that invites questions from people who have demonstrated, in abundance, that they haven't got a bloody clue what a subject involves it is not the number of readers that makes the posting worthwhile.
As has be stated there are only two Pagans on this Forum and they follow paths that are about as alike as Trump's and Putin's politics and anyone can read Tarot yopu do not have to be a Pagan to do it.
Anyway, the post is now ancient history so unlike Christ there is going to be no resurrection., but I thnk you for your positive comments, they are most welcome.