Agreed but why does any religion have extremist views?
Why is something not SO clear it CAN'T be mistranslated?
Human nature!! Since all religious ideas came from human imagination in the first place and have been re-thought a million times since, we'll just have to wait until a majority of people worldwide realise this is so .
A phrase like 'historically Christian' is riddled with questions, misunderstandings, falsehoods, misinterpretations of texts written by people who thought they were expounding the word of their particular God/god/s, and then assuming power and leadership roles. It doesn't matter how well-intentioned they were, we can see now with the benefit of science and the scientific method plus the evidence of technology that their beliefs and assumptions were not objective truths.
During my lifetime I have seen a huge change from a time when to question someone's religious beliefs or a person's position in society because of his(not hers of course) titlawas taboo to a time, now, when it is openly and vigorously challenged and shown to be totally lacking in proper evidence. The beliefs themselves are being ridiculed where appropriate and this is being done whilst most ordinary, thoughtful people maintain an understanding of the
people concerned and that includes respect for them as human beings because, well, we can see how easy it would be for us, for me at anyrate, to be in that position because of the cultures and societies we are in.
I am grateful (to natural Nature!) for this knowledge and will die with the confidence that this process will continue, albeit with fits and starts because of all us humans involved.