I regret mistakes I've made in how I've treated certain people, rather than things I haven't done.
I'm fairly pragmatic about the big choices I've made, but then again I haven't been through anything traumatic, like Rhiannon. I've been lucky. These days there is a fairly substantial trap, ready to spring and force you to think 'I'm not making enough of my life'. It often seems like an indulgent excuse to avoid committing to one path... bollocks to that. The few square miles of the countryside surrounding my house has enough treasures, people and inspiration in it to fill several lifetimes. I'm never going to get to know 5% of what I'm surrounded by every day... why should I go seeking the 'other' far away or with strangers? I don't mean to say I live in Excitementville Central, just that the anxiety around needing to seek change is a con.
When it comes to regrets about how I've treated people, I'm not convinced that is entirely an 'ought self' thing. I've often considered that my shame at past actions is because these actions contradict my feelings of the person I hope I am. I am good, I am considerate, I am responsible... except...
Should I pour scorn on my past self? it doesn't sound like a sensible or rational thing to do, but there is no escaping it. Sometimes I wish I could reach back, give myself a slap and say 'Oi, shit-for-brains, stop being such a fucking prick!' can't you see what an idiot you are?'. That would surely salvage the high opinion I have of myself and leave my self-regard all shiny and intact. No, the lesson is there, a perpetual reminder of my capacity for failure. A necessary, if not welcome, warning that the version of me who is a prick, is waiting with baited breath to have his turn at the wheel. Regret is the cage he lives in... and long may the stupid motherfucker stay there.
hmmm... reflecting on what I wrote has made me worry that I now sound like I have some terrible, possible criminal past... I don't. I'm just a drama queen. My mistakes are the usual run-of-the-mill stuff. I'm probably just overthinking, as usual.