That's funny, you naughty thing. Condoms have spermicide in them so making tiny holes, though not wise, doesn't automatically result in a pregnancy. For all you know your parents may have used an additional spermicide.
When I was about seven a girl at my school's mother had a baby boy and we all cooed at the pram on picking up time. Later that day I told my parents I'd like a baby brother. They laughed and my dad something along the lines that he was more than happy with me and my sister, he never thought he'd have a family (he was widowed young before he met my mum) and he was more than delighted with us. My mum said you can't choose whether you have a baby brother or sister, you take what comes which I knew anyway. I was satisfied with that.
I was a good child but not goody-goody. A person with strong opinions from an early age & sense that I had to follow my own instincts. Got me into a little bit of trouble at school from time to time if I was not prepared to do certain things but nothing major. I was given a lot of freedom as was my sister & we had confidence.
My confidence crashed in the summer after O levels, I was sixteen & my cousin died suddenly. She was a little less than two years older, awaiting A level results. She was like an older sister, we did a lot together, were at the same school. Everything changed after that but that's another story.