when you look at the people you are allied with.
In the spirit of trying to keep the conversation slightly on topic, let's look at who Ippy is allied with, from the Tory Party.
We have Michael Gove who stabbed his leader in the back and stabbed his ally in the back and failed to step up himself.
We have David Davies who stabbed his leader in the back and abandoned his post.
We have Jacob Rees Mogg who wants to go back to the 60's (the 1860's) and who has now said it will be 50 years before we know if this has been worth it or not. He is also moving some of his money into Ireland.
We have Boris Johnson who stabbed two of his leaders in the back and abandoned his post. The morning after the Brexit vote, the expression on his face suggests that he had just shat himself. He never really wanted Brexit but is using it to further his domestic ambitions.
We have Nigel Farage whose strong commitment to leaving the EU doesn't go as far as refusing his MEP's salary (paid in Euros which means the tanking of Sterling is a pay rise for him).
These people want to repeal the European Human Rights laws and labour laws. Why is that do you think? They have not got the ordinary people of the UK's best interests at heart only their own ambition and greed.