Jesus avoided politics? Are you serious? You DO know the political situation in the area? That the Pharisees, Sadducces, Essenes, zealots et al were not just sitting around reading Scriptures? You do know that they were, in fact, political parties - VERY political parties? In openly criticising them, as He did - in Scripture ..."Hypocrites....sons of serpents....empty graves...." Jesus was jumping right into the political mix. You simply could not divorce Judaism from 'politics' if you tried - and Jesus certainly didn't try! There were only two ways of avoiding politics in that part of the world; being dead or leaving the area. Christ was crucified for blasphemy. That was about as political asa you could get. His accuser brought charges against Him saying that He would destroy the Temple...political spin if ever there was spin. And they charged Him with claiming to be God...a crime of which, of course, He was guilty...but not a sin. The Romans got in on the act with "INRI"....stirring up the political mess as only they could. Political? The Gospel's full of it!