Gordon/NearlySane/BeRational/ippy/jjohnjil/The poster formerly known as....
Faith is a wonderful thing...it means, here, beliveing in a wonderful source of truth that has captured the hearts and minds of millions over many generations...It has forced tyrants to embrace its teaching and is the sole source of iniquity which hides within that faith falsifying it. In the terms of a science Faith in Jesus has repeated itself over and over and the reason is that it embraces truth to a right minded person who can live by that faith, be guided by that faith, and see the future promises of that faith to be hugely beneficial to those who practice that faith...it contains a truth that passeth all understanding and by our faith we get glimpses of that truth. The most important truth is resurrection not just for Jesus but for us all if, by faith, we follow that truth...and this shows us that the entire universe obeys laws where that faith is fact...but first we have to endure God's Judgement and our faith will make it a worthwhile experience because of the many natural functions of that Judgement that include this world being seriously disturbed in a way not seen since its inception...and, for those with no faith, worse.