The consultation on the Conversion Therapy (Prohibition) bill ( ) has been extended by 8 weeks. It was previously scheduled to have a consultation period of just 6 weeks, half the normal time. The bill equates attempts to alter sexual orientation with psychological therapy for people with ‘gender identity’ issues. I have written to my female Labour MP with my views and received a very disheartening answer.
She refused me permission to share her reply, but this is part of what I wrote to her:
“…To suggest that children who do not conform to gender stereotypes should be supported in having their bodies altered so that they do conform to the stereotype is incredibly regressive and the most extreme form of “conversion therapy” I can imagine.
I do not understand why the bill lumps together LGB and T as if they are the same. Sexual orientation is innate and linked to biological sex, which according to biologists cannot be changed. [People with gender identity issues] should more realistically be compared with people with other forms of body dysphoria. If an individual asks a doctor to amputate a healthy limb because of dysphoria, I would hope that every alternative short of surgery would be explored before any doctor would agree to carry out the procedure. Young people suffering from anorexia don’t have their unrealistic view of themselves and their bodies affirmed by their therapists because that would kill them, quickly. Puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones don’t kill the patient quickly and the physical damage is usually hidden from view, but they do have extremely serious long-term, irreversible impacts on once healthy bodies.
“Trans rights” activists have no consistent definition of what gender is or means. The justification for medicalising and mutilating young people seems to be that humans know what “gender” they are from as young as two years old and it’s a real thing and with the individual for life. Except when they want to allow people (mainly men) to identify as woman one day and man the next, because they are “gender fluid”. Gender identity cannot be both fixed and fluid. You can’t base laws on this kind of irrational, internally contradictory, ideology.”
I asked her a few follow up questions she hasn’t answered but they relate more to self-ID.
I’d encourage people to write to their MPs about this. The transgender lobby have subverted a bill which ought to have been uncontentious. A similar approach was used in RoI to get self-ID into law via the equal marriage act.
If you can bear it, there is a woman on You Tube called Exulansic who talks knowledgeably about the medical details and the consequences for once healthy young people, commenting on Tik Tok videos they post themselves and dissecting I Am Jazz, an American TV show.
This is a link to an interview two previously enthusiastic gender doctors gave recently