Because I am following closely as I'm able...I believe that the timing and the teaching are at the behest of Almighty God and Jesus Christ...therefore, you get it at their speed and in their revealing...I'm merely a cog in the wheel. The most important thing you will ever learn is that all around us, all of the time, is a wonderful, invisible energy that we can harness and harvest for the purpose of righteousness, which is made manifest entirely within the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ. I have to say 'accurate' continually, because iniquity has devised their own version which leads nowhere. Accuracy comes from sifting out iniquity from the truth and reveals everything Jesus said it would. Accuracy is also the hall-mark behind a this case, a wonderful, righteous science.
If you think Paul was saying that pop-stars, film-stars, and various other charismatics are God-like, Anchorman, I suggest you should read him again.
When making yourself look ridiculous Nick, you couldn't be more accurate, any one of your many postings, take your pick, are extremely accurate at showing how much inconsequential ludicrous nonsense you can pack into any one of your far too many idiotic, and plainly silly outpourings.
Your understanding of righteousness is permanently stuck at a pre teenage level and as yet you still haven't found a way of substantiating the truth of any single part of the magical, mystical and superstition based parts of this bible of yours.
Your posts only consist of stupid sounding waffle and sometimes laughable bollocks.
Your posts are also, if they weren't so stupid, very insulting to people that don't share your rather strange ideas about religion I'm not a religious believing individual but do however care about my fellow person and try in general to to do good and be as kind as I can when and where ever I can, and as for your stupid lake of sulphur and the rest of your delusional believings doesn't your beloved book say something about not judging others?
I've yet to see you write anything that sounds as though it comes from an every day somewhere near normal Joe, your writing style badly needs revision, you need to realise you're not Moses, yes the one in your book, looking down and laying out the law, you're an ordinary person just like the rest of us we're all struggling to get by.
Regards ippy