It was a quote in the BBC story that was linked earlier.I agree with all of this.
See this story to gain a little more clarity about what has actually happened:
The two sides have basically settled between themselves which means that there will be no full judgement published. I'm actually mystified as to why Alex Salmond thinks he has won. The original points of complaint have not been resolved in his (or anybody's) favour and if the Scottish Government decides to resume proceedings, the only thing they are going to change is the investigating officer.
Thanks - yes I had read that article, but it actually doesn't cast light on whether the other claims had been dismissed, as clearly suggested by the Scottish Government.
It is certainly the case that the current proceedings have been settled, but we perhaps don't know the full details here. I note in the article you linked to the phrase:
'This was the sole point the government conceded, but it was a fatal one.'
So no other points were conceded by the government in their settlement - that doesn't mean, firstly that other points weren't conceded by Salmond's team.
Also as there is a possibility that the investigation will be conducted again it is quite possible that the Scottish Government have asked for clarification on other aspects of the procedure - on the basis that it wouldn't be in anyone's interests to conduct the investigation again only to discover the process to be flawed.
All this is, of course, speculation. What it clear (or rather unclear) is that we currently do not have definitive information that allows us to conclude whether or not Salmond's other claims have been dismissed.