Last time I went to the dentist was for a check-up about 19 years ago. He said I had gum disease and needed to go back. I thought he was exaggerating to keep me on board. If I did have gum disease, I haven't had any ill effects since and still have all the teeth with no fillings.
While a teenager I had a brace; I had enough appointments to last a lifetime, but the final one was with a hygienist, who's aim was to teach people how to brush. She recommended using a firm brush with a small head using a particular method: to start with, go along the gum-teeth junction gently brushing from side to side, to loosen any bits of food stuck between the teeth and the gums. Then brush the whole lot using downstrokes only*, not side to side or up and down. This moves the loosened food into the mouth. Using a firm brush, a good toothpaste and doing it three or four times daily, removes the plaque so you don't get build-up of acid which leads to tooth decay.
You can buy a toothbrush from the pound shop called a "smoker's toothbrush". I find these excellent because they are just the right size - all the other firm ones in the shops are too big.
Well, I thought I would share this because I only have occasional pain in one spot on my gum if I don't take my time and brush properly, or if I don't buy a new brush regularly. This clears up by itself if I change to a softer brush for a bit. I am not saying, "don't go to the dentist" - just that they can be avoided if we look after our teeth!
* down strokes only for upper teeth, up strokes only for lower teeth.