I am indebted to Stranger who wished to point out that New Atheism was different from atheist and gave two links to definitions, one an informative Wikipedia entry which can leave one in no doubt that it definitely is 'a thing'.
Since though it doesn't seem to be the thing to own up to belonging to and to prevent wrangling over whether one is an atheist, a new atheist, a 'you ain't seen me, right' atheist, an apatheist, a 'go on then, try to land a label on me' atheist......Let's look at a set of beliefs which are recogniseably collective and see which contributors can sign up to.
We should also proceed in the knowledge that groups of people collectively believing/behaving in the same way don't always get to choose what they are known as....Shakers, Quakers, Christians, New Atheists etc. and proceed with the maxim that if it walks like a Duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck.
So friends, how many of these can you sign up to?
The "God Hypothesis" is a valid scientific hypothesis,since it claims effects in the physical universe.
Like any other hypothesis it can be tested and falsified.
God is a scientific hypothesis that can be tested by standard methods of science.
The hypothesis fails any such tests.
Naturalism is sufficient to explain everything we observe in the universe, the most distant galaxies, the origin of life, the existence of different species, and the inner workings of the brain and consciousness.
Nowhere is it necessary to introduce God or the supernatural to understand reality.
Religious or supernatural claims (such as the virgin birth of Jesus and the afterlife) are scientific claims in nature.
God is a Failed Hypothesis
A God of the three omnis, cannot logically exist.
Science and religion are in conflict,
It is completely unrealistic to claim that religion keeps itself away from science's turf, restricting itself to morals and values.
A universe with a supernatural presence would be a fundamentally and qualitatively different kind of universe from one without.
Science and thereby currently unknown objective facts may instruct human morality in a globally comparable way.
There are objective states of well-being.
Religion has a biased and privileged position in society.
The influence of religion in the public sphere must be challenged and reduced.
Source Wikipedia.