I suspect that the story might be something like this. The word 'soul' is a word which represents 'life' and that the 'light' of life' represents awareness or consciousness. All life forms have 'soul' within them. Humans have the ability to not only direct that 'light of life' outwards in order to facilitate the establishment of the life form, but also inwards upon the subconscious thought forms and emotions of the mind and beyond that mind upon 'soul' or life itself. The Jesus method was 'metanoia' (beyond mind), unfortunately translated as 'repent', which illuminated life to the extent that the individual could declare the realisation 'I am the Life'.
As regards 'God', there are some indications in the Bible in the belief that God is Life and life eternal and so the process then becomes 'God realisation', and death is simply the degeneration of the life form. When that happens the question then becomes one of being conscious of the Life I am or being unconscious. As regards evidence, there is none other than sustained 'Self/Life' realisation.