E-mail address to contact Admin direct is admin@religionethics followed by .co.uk.
Times (conservative), Independent (mildly liberal), and Guardian (more left-wing) are, I think, reasonably reliable among the high-brow papers. The Telegraph, also highbrow, is notoriously biased to the right (often called the 'Torygraph'). The Mirror (lowbrow, Labour) is somewhat sensationalist, but not too bad for reliability, at least compared to the Sun (lowbrow, very sensationalist, very right-wing, utterly biased). The Star is a comic which even its readers don't take seriously. The Mail and Express are middle-brow, right-wing (eye-wateringly so in the case of the Mail) and very biased and totally unreliable. The Mail in particular is as near to being openly racist as any paper can get away with nowadays, while the Express specialises is ridiculous, alarmist stories about freak weather events. Both fawn quite nauseatingly over the royals.
A yank in one of my Facebook groups asked for information about the reliability as news sources of British newspapers, as he's movng here. I answered thusly: What are other people's opinions about the British press?