If the bible says homosexuality is wrong then why is that nasty?
Because it classifies a group of people as immoral because of their underlying nature despite the fact that there is no reason to think that nature, or its expression, does anything to harm anyone. It's akin to saying that being black is wrong, or being a ginger is wrong, or being short is wrong, or being a woman is wrong...
Are you saying simply by someone believing it to be correct and that it is wrong makes them bad people?
As a single thing that you know about them it's probably not enough, but I'd suggest that it's not a good sign.
Many people might believe something wrong to themselves but that belief which is not followed with hate or abuse is not wrong just diffrerent.
I'd agree that how it's expressed is a more important signal than what's believed - there are any number of absolute tools out there who are perfectly accepting of gay people but they're still not people you'd want to associate with.
condemn homosexuality Someone might not condone it, but that does not mean they condemn anyone who his homosexual. Some have family and friends who are homosexual but they treat them the same as anyone else.
I appreciate that it's a little more nuanced, and that people are doing the best they can, and I don't think that it's helpful in these instances to accuse people of hypocrisy, but to be the recipient of this is to hear 'What you are is fundamentally broken, but I'm prepared to put in the effort to reach out to you' - at best it's horrendously patronising, and at worst it's an accusation under thinly veiled pretense of acceptance.
made illegal at one time it was illegal you could be arrested, charged and put in prison. What purpose would it serve to a believer of any religion to make homosexuality illegal? Stealing is illegal and robbing and rape, but does it stop it happening.
See, now that's one of the issues - you've just equated being gay with theft and rape, and those are not even remotely alike. There are moral reasons to punish theft and rape, after which realisation you decide if prison is the most effective form of punishment. There is no moral case to be made for punishing homosexuality, either in nature or in practice.
Something being illegal or even considered wrong does not make those who believe it, evil or bigots. It is only evil actions against anyone else that make the person wrong.
On which basis why is homosexuality considered to be wrong by much of the Abrahamic faith?
As Christ was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost what colour of skin and eyes would he have?
What? Suspiciously close to Joseph's, I'd guess....
Why try to offend believers by suggesting something which would be impossible considering the Jewish faith and the times he was born
Why try to offend gay people, and their friends and family, by implying that gayness was in some way morally wrong, or comparable to theft and rape?
You set out to agitate and offend believers.
I can't speak for everyone, but personally I seek to understand, inform and in the most extreme instances ameliorate - sometimes that results in agitation and offence, but no-one has an intrinsic right not to be offended. If you're going to offend people - and although offence is taken not given, you can go into it knowing that it's going to be taken (actively hunted down, in some cases!) - then you need to feel that what you're doing has an underlying value that justifies it.
Nothing different from what you accuse others of doing to groups outside both faiths. You do not appear to grasp the concept of love thy neighbour as you love yourself.
Really? People coming on and trying to help you understand that it's the 21st Century, not the 1st Century - they aren't being paid to do this, they aren't obliged to do this, they're trying to help you and to improve our society in general.
The bible has never been used as an excuse for bigotry and whilst people like yourself who can single out groups for tongue lashing and insult then how do you expect anything to change?
Look up the KKK, the Jim Crow laws, the Catholic instutionalising of misogyny, the Eastern European far-right political movements 'encouragement' of women back into a subservient role of mother and homemaker, the anti-homosexuality legislation in Uganda, the rhetoric around the miscegenation regulations across the world and come back and say that the Bible has never been used to excuse bigotry.
Until the law came no one could be condemned of sin.
You can talk about sin, but that doesn't make sin real.
Hence you talk about a time when there was no law and so no condemnation of sin. Till you give examples how are people suppose to answer that question. Give the example and explanation of the character and their bad behaviour and keep in mind it must be after the law of Moses given.
No, we don't. We can look back at history with modern sensibilities and say, that was then, but we're better than that now - it's time we started acting like it.