Precisely! You seem to think that low-level homophobia is less of an unpleasance than the virtiolic homophobia that Steve deines by quoting the bible.
I assume by "Steve" you mean "Spud" and "deines" looks like a typo for "denies" but the word would be the opposite of what I think you meant.
In any case, yes it is.
Sorry. JC (An acronym for Jesus Christ possibly?)
Irrelevant to the conversation at hand.
but you are as unpleasant an homophobic as any who express a wish to eliminate gays by violence.
This is obviously false. Steve has, so far, expressed a belief that gay people should not be allowed to marry (other gay people of the same sex presumably) and that gay relationships are somehow lesser because they can't have standard heterosexual sex. I think he is wrong on both counts but that's a far cry from advocating the slaughter of homosexuals.
It is merely a matter of degree and my hatred of anti-gays like you gets greater the more you try to excuse your attitude.
There's nothing mere about the difference in degree between advocating the death of gay people and denying them access to a certain legal institution.
Whatever you say about Steve, or even Spud, they are not as bad as those who advocate killing gay people and it's absurd and destructive to suggest they are.