My thoughts on the statistics:
In the UK, over the last three days we have confirmed 680, 647 and 706 new cases. Compared to previous days, this is something of a flat line. Unfortunately, we are only testing people who have been admitted to hospital.
In total, we have tested 66,967 people of whom 3,983 or about 6% were positive. If we extrapolate that to the population in general, that means that nearly four million of us already have the virus. It's a dangerous extrapolation, of course, because hospital admissions would be expected to have a bias in favour of people who have coronavirus but I think it is the right order of magnitude.
I think the government needs to do more testing. At the very least, it needs to do some proper randomised testing to get a confident picture of how many people actually have the virus and I think it needs to track down and test people who have had contact with confirmed cases.