"Yes, I meant that people with good innate immunity were not exposed to the wild type. If they had been, their innate, non-specific antibodies would have neutralized not only the wild type but also mutated strains, which would then only be able to circulate in low levels. Since this didn't happen, more infectious variants were able to become dominant, causing a higher infectious pressure, which the innate immunity of healthy people finds harder to deal with."
This is bollocks. Coronaviruses mutate. Natural immunity also drives mutations.
People died at the beginning of the pandemic from the original strain in Wuhan who were healthy, stop stretching for reasons to justify your, quite frankly, ludicrous aversion to vaccination programmes.
I really am not sure what your point is.
If we had allowed Covid to carry on in it's own way with no interventions, many many more people would have died.
If we had interventions such as social distancing, face masks etc, still many many more people would have died. There are also all the other negative consequences that go with such a policy both economically and psychologically.
The ONLY way out of this situation that gets us anywhere close to normal is vaccination.
To do nothing would be at the very least manslaughter.
Please step forward one Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, the do-nothinger par excellence.