How would they know if it’s all a secret?
Please don't try to pretend that you are even more obtuse than you really are! They, the members of the Coven, are those who make up the Circle!
Any more frivolous comments/questions to try and take the piss out of something you know Fuck All about and you can find someone else to answer them.
I hold my beliefs as important to me as you hold yours to you, so I resent you taking the piss out of my beliefs as you do when it is done to yours!
So, when you decide to stop being a shit-stirring ass with regard to Paganism and the Craft, come back, until then, stay away!
As I have said before. I was brought up by a seriously Christain father, so I know a bloody sight more about Christainity that you know about Paganism which is two-thirds of three-fifths of fuck all!