No Zeus was a mythological god. His divinity doesn't depend upon his existence. Frodo Baggins was a god in the mid to late 1960s when Zeppelin were writing all of those songs about the Misty Mountain and Gullum sneaking away with the girl. He didn't exist literally but was a god nonetheless.
Linguistic evasion won’t help you here. Either you think god(s) objectively exist, or they’re just subjective beliefs. Which is it?
Atheism subscribes to the nonsensical nonexistence of gods so how could any god possibly exist to an atheist?
Again, you need to sort out your misunderstanding of atheism. Atheism doesn’t make claims about the “nonexistence” of gods; what it actually does is to find the arguments attempted to
justify the belief “god(s)” to be wrong. I don’t know whether there are gods. Or unicorns. Or tapdancing pixies on the dark side of the moon. What I do know though is that the arguments I know of to justify such beliefs are logically false. That’s why I’m an atheist.
Is that all the fashion now? I, a theist, am telling you what the word god means in ancient Hebrew, common Greek, Latin, English and any other language as given clearly in the English dictionary and you are telling me I'm wrong? Okay. What does the word god mean? What is a god?
No you’re not. What you’re actually doing is trying to elide the religious meaning (non-material, supernatural etc) with the prosaic, colloquial one (material, naturalistic etc).
Either your theism entails the former meaning (in which case, why not tell us what you think your god to be and why you believe it to exist?) or it’s the latter (in which case anything anyone feels like “venerating” thus becomes a god) and there’s nothing to talk about.
Accepting good reason or being given good reason? How can the default position, the position at birth be atheist if no reason at all had been given to think either way?
As someone else said, the position at birth example isn’t helpful because (presumably) babies don’t have opinions about anything. You may as well call a table atheist. Atheism though is just the position you arrive at when you’ve been given no sound reason to be a theist – whether you’ve falsified the arguments theists have attempted or don’t know what they are makes no difference to that.
Good is a subjective term. See above.
No it isn't. The advantage of logic and reason is that it's codified - an argument is either "good" according to its rules or it isn't. If you want to argue that logic itself is just subjective, then what is it you think you're using to make your case here?
Yeah . . . so? You and I don't know that Jehovah of the Bible exists. We have faith that he does or he doesn't.
So everything. My “faith” (colloquial sense) that my car will start is reasoned; “faith” (religious sense) in the existence of “Jehovah” isn’t – it’s just guessing.
It has nothing to do with magic. If there's no reasoning or evidence to justify theism then there can't be any to justify atheism. Science, for example, can't test the supernatural. Science is a method of investigation not a belief system. Atheism is a belief system.
There’s a lot of wrong there, so let’s unpack it:
It has nothing to do with magic.
Yes it has. When you assert a truth with no means of justifying it, what else would you call it?
If there's no reasoning or evidence to justify theism then there can't be any to justify atheism.
Nope. The reasoning or logic to justify atheism is the application of their methods to find the arguments attempted to justify theism to be false.
Science, for example, can't test the supernatural.
It’s only
claims about the supernatural, and no it can’t. The problem with the claim "supernatural" though is that neither can anything else.
Science is a method of investigation not a belief system. Atheism is a belief system.
No atheism isn’t – except the belief that reason is a more reliable way to establish truths than non-reason.
1. Belief in Jehovah God of the Bible is faith based. No need to be defensive.
But is also a claim of certainty (at least if the Bible is to be believed).
2. Religious faith pertains to a specific doctrine, i.e. Catholicism. Baptist. Faith is a) complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and b) strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. So we have no real argument on faith.
Unless you accept that your “faith” is epistemically indistinguishable from just guessing, yes we have.
No, I'm exposing the atheistic inability to comprehend the simple definition of the word god as I've given from the English dictionary due to ideological possession.
Not even close. There is no “the” definition – there are many definitions, and broadly the religious ones are in a different category to the non-religious ones.
Let me ask you this. No gods exist?
I don’t know what you mean by “gods”, but in the religious sense I have no reason t think that they do.
Do lords exist?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_LordsEhhh ... sort of. Eric Clapton is considered a god because the definition of god includes an admired, skilled or influential person because god means anything or anyone venerated or attributed a might that is greater than the one attributing it. If you look at the dictionary definition of god it will give several examples. The Christian god, supernatural gods, mortal men as gods. Again: the Bible calls Moses, the judges of Israel, the Sumerian King Tammuz and Jesus gods. All mortal men.
This is getting wearisome now. The colloquial definitions of “god” are in a different category to the religious ones. You can’t just bundle them as if there’s no difference.
[Laughs] That is only an example of one god. That isn't a prerequisite for divinity. For being a god.
Yes it is. How many divinities settle for a material, naturalistic, subject to the universe’s laws and forces god?
Why are you ignoring everything I say? Your pet rock can be a god. I hate to do this because I'm sick of it, but let me give my illustration of a god.
A tired hungry man stumbles across the cold dark prairieland, wolves following close behind. There's no fuel for fire until he stumbles upon a dried clump of bullshit. Bovine excrement. Feeling around in the dark he finds more. Gathering them he eats the bugs crawling underneath them and builds a fire. He makes that shit his god. It is a god. It exists and is his god. No one, no atheist can take that away.
I’m not ignoring it – I’m
falsifying it. If you want to dilute the term “god” to mean literally anything at all provided people feel about it a certain way then you have a theology that’s all your own, and moreover one that has nothing interesting to say. It’s an odd tactic though just to throw away standard theologies by reducing the term "god" to meaninglessness.
Another question; was Jehovah a god before he created anything?
I have no idea what you mean by “Jehovah”, not why you think he exists (existed?) other than as your subjective belief. I may as well ask you whether leprechauns were leprechauns before they started leaving pots of gold at the ends of rainbows.