I heard the one about coloured people and people of colour and I heard the one about young girl footballers not liking being hit hard by the ball (I'm pretty sure I didn't like it much either - in fact, I still don't) but I have not heard the insults directed at black people and South Asians. What did he say?
People of African Caribbean origin are a subset of black people, so yes, I would treat them as separate (with Afro-Carribbeans being insulted twice).
His comments were gross stereotyping:
On women - he said that 'young female players did not like having the ball hit hard at them' - the issue is that he is only applying it to female footballers, so your comment isn't relevant and indeed is precisely the point on the stereotyping, not implying that young male footballers also might not like it.
On gay people - he described them as making a 'life choice'.
On South Asian vs Afro-Caribbean - he said that there were "a lot more South Asians than there are Afro-Caribbeans" in the FA's IT department because "they have different career interests".