I have finally finished digging the "everything else" bed, and sown Swiss Chard and "Lollo Rossa" Lettuce. The previously-dug half of the bed contains my onions. I don't know how much of what I've planted and sown will come up; it may have a lot of competition from perennial weeds. I've been removing roots as I dig, but have inevitably left some behind. At some stage, I may have to temporarily forget my organic principles, zap them all with weedkiller, and then go back to being organic.
Yesterday, I finished filling one compost bin, with weeds gathered from beside footpaths. I watered that heap this morning, and also the beds, as we haven't had significant rain for some time.
I don't think I'll grow onions in the future; I'll grow shallots instead, as they are much easier than onions: you plant whole shallots, and each one multiplies underground, so that you harvest a bunch of them. I read somewhere that the word "onion" is related to "union", "one", etc., because it is the only member of the allium family which doesn't multiply, providing many bulbs or cloves from one, unlike shallots, garlic, etc. That may be a load of Ronnie Rollocks, but it makes sense.