The warming period referred to is known as the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum, or PETM for short, when a massive injection of CO2 into the atmosphere over some tens of thousands of years raised global average temperatures by 5 to 8 degrees celsius, melting the ice caps and raising sea levels considerably. This warming period is used as a case model in climate science for what happens if you inject a vast amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, as currently we are emitting a similar amount, only over a couple of centuries rather than over 20,000 years or so.
The proto-mammals liked the warmer conditions, it would seem, it resulted in a massive radiation of new mammal species across the globe; after 200 million years being predated and suppressed by the dinosaurs, the mammals were free and with all the ice gone, they had a whole new world of opportunities to explore and niches to adapt into. This massive mammalian radiation laid the ground work for the lineages that would eventually lead to us - primates, arboreal apes, genus homo, and then homo sapiens around 200,000 years back.