But it isn't a 'belief' it is based on overwhelming evidence amassed over 150 years.
For which you have no credible evidence.
This isn't a matter of belief, but one of evidence.
You don't get it. You have evidence for mechanisms that take place in the process of evolution. I am not disputing that.
I am talking about causes that are behind the mechanisms. Explaining a car in terms of its mechanisms is not enough. Its purpose and driving force (driver) also need to be understood.
You guys will claim that there is no reason to assume an purpose or driving force for evolution and that evolutionary mechanisms just happen with no reason at all. I don't agree with that.
We cannot see evolution in isolation. It has to be seen as just a part of our lives. Other aspects such as the nature of the mind, role of consciousness, understanding death and after-life, ESP, reincarnation and so on all are important. Understanding all these aspects will obviously affect our understanding of evolution.